The autogynephilia theory has been debunked by both science and the lived lives of real transgender people. However, since this "theory" fits well with the prejudices of transphobes and homophobes world wide, it is still referred to, in the dark backwaters of social media, and increasingly also elsewhere.
The autogynephilia theory – which argues that trans women who love women are straight men who are in love with their inner female – might easily confirm the internalized homophobia and transphobia of transgender people. Because of this I have had to spend a lot of time debating and deconstructing the theory.
Blanchard's theory is really traditional transphobia masquerading as science. However, since it is presented as science, this give the model much more power than it deserves. It is really bad science.
It is important to note that Blanchard is in no way a disinterested observer of gender identity. He is actively helping TERFs (trans-exclusionary radical feminists) and right wing extremists by writing for the web sites and taking part in their podcasts and videos. This tells us that his real motives are based on bigotry and not a desire to help trans and queer people.
If you, for some reason, find "autogynephilia" or "AGP" mentioned in the transgender debate, here's what you need to know about this and similar beliefs:
The autogynephilia theory explained and dissected
- All you need to know about "autogynephilia"
- "I feel pretty!" (On the "Autogynephilic" Woman and More)
- The Autogynephilia Theory Debunked by New German Study
- New Study Dismisses the Autogynephilia Approach to Transgender
- Julia Serano gives us the perfect antidote to transphobic pseudoscience
- New research shows that gender variance does not follow sexual orientation
- On Moser's critique of Blanchard's autogynephilia theory
- Kourtney Kardashian on "Autogynephilia" in Non-transgender Women
- On women who have sexual fantasies about being men
- The Pseudo-Science of Autogynephilia
- Women's Health Debunks Transphobic Autogynephilia Theory
- What the sexual fantasies of non-transgender people tell us about the dreams of those who are trans
- More than one third of non-transgender people have had crossgender dreams and fantasies
- What Transphobic Norwegian Doctors can Teach Us about the Diversity of Transgender People
On using "autogynephilia" as a transphobic tool of oppression and invalidation:
- What Dr. Zhana Vrangalova Taught Me About Transphobia in Science
- Blanchard and the DSM-V, redefining paraphilia
- Science and Transphobia: Ray Blanchard is Now Assisting White Supremacists. Why?
- Ray Blanchard lied when including autoandrophilia in the DSM-5 proposal
- Ray Blanchard and the Missing Trans Men (The DSM-5)
- The word "paraphilia" does indeed mean "sexual perversion". Don't let the transphobes whitewash their transphobia.
- A Short History of the Roots of Transphobic Science
- How radical feminists are using the autogynephilia theory to persecute trangender people